Galvanised steel providing extreme strength for the load-supporting elements, anodised aluminium for the highest opening and closing rates (up to 2m/sec). The pneumatic drive systems are robust and reliable. They have proved themselves countless times over and effortlessly achieve 1 million (!) operations plus. The wings can even be controlled independently of one another. This means that pedestrians only need open half the door.
If no pressurised air is available, fast electric drive units with central high frequency motors can be installed that do the job just as efficiently, allowing speeds to be programmed in by means of frequency converter. The wings fold out in just a few seconds, making the full opening height available immediately. Fire and emergency services are also coming to appreciate this design feature. This is why SFT doors have also been installed as high speed emergency doors. The patented EFAFLEX cardan joint technology finds application on particularly large folding doors. The wing elements are suspended using a cardan system. This means that the loading on the travel carriage remains constant throughout the entire travel path. This leads to an easier, more stress-free and particularly faster travel action.
- Exterior door, intruder-proof building exit (also suitable for use as an interior door)
- Door opens horizontally
- High-speed drive unit (electric or pneumatic options, up to 2 m/sec)
- Automatic control unit, can be combined with all types of activation methods
- Patented modular construction, cardan joint technology, automatic remote locking system on request
- Customised manufacture sizes up to W = 8000 mm x H = 6000 mm
To view the Efaflex High Speed Doors Gallery, please click here.