Specialist doors for Waste to Energy plants

The Waste to Energy (W2E) industry is rapidly growing in Australia, as well as waste recycling plants and FOGO processing (food organic garden organic). These plants are becoming more sophisticated with the processing, and the containment of noise and air pollution is very important. This is where DMF has been able to assist, by supplying specialist high speed doors, that are designed for high use, and efficient sealing of the doorway against the dust, noise and odours that are produced.

The challenges that exist for these applications is that doors need to accommodate large door ways, and be exposed to corrosive contaminants, and yet operate with efficient speed and durability. For the latest project in WA, DMF were able to custom design the solution using a door structure fully manufactured in stainless steel, with a PVC fold up door blade providing high wind capacity, and automated activation via the control room. The Aluflex SS304 doors were manufactured by IKS in Turkey, https://www.shipyarddoor.com/aluflex-small-hangar-door, under DMF’s design criteria, under full international QA for and delivered to Perth in readiness for the installation. This door model operates at 0.5 m/sec opening and closing, works by folding up in a vertical direction with the bottom rail being lifted up by a series of concealed cables. This model comes with safety provision including anti crash of the panel in case of cable failure, and photo electric light sensors to prevent the door from closing if any traffic is within the doorway.

The photos shows a similar plant using the same door models in an identical W2E application in Istanbul to the project in WA. Stay tuned for more information as this plant comes on line.

And so for rapid roller doors, fold up doors or high speed security doors, DMF can provide a solution to these industries, to ensure efficient and durable operation.

Click below for more information by clicking here.and please see some actual video of these doors in the W2E application by clicking video.


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Posted on

July 16, 2021

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