New service vehicle

New service vehicle

DMF recently purchased an additional service vehicle, joining the fleet of 5 designated vehicles already used to cover Sydney metro. We chose the Isuzu D-Max due to its power to tow a scissorlift, cabin comfort, and fuel economy. Fitted with customised storage...

DMF farewells two long term staff members

Over the last 3 months, DMF has said farewell to two of its long term staff members. Clive Smart has been the Senior Product Engineer for 19 years, and over this time brought expertise and great diagnostic ability to all our products. Many of the current designs and...
High speed door for apartments

High speed door for apartments

DMF installed this Efaflex SST high speed security door to the entrance of 200 car apartment garage in Darling Harbour, replacing a slow swing gate system. Notice the matching grill above the door! A very nice looking, and functional result! The Efaflex SST is a...

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