Packaging company continues to use DMF doors

A Sydney based packaging company has again called on DMF to supply and install rapid roll doors to their new facility in western Sydney. The original premises was also a DMF serviced site, and the new tenants wished to update form the old Swingflex PVC doors, to the more superior and efficient Rapid Roller doors. Having used the DMF rapid doors at their other site, they were quick to choose us again due to our prompt supply and service. The Series RL3000 model was manufactured and installed on a few openings withing the premises, and activation operation is by a combination of remote control and InfraRed motion control sensors. Care had to be exercised with the design due to the close proximity to cross traffic movements, and the doors are providing an effective seal against dust, protecting expensive and sophisticated packing machinery.

For more detailed information on the Series RL3000 Rapid Roll door, CLICK HERE to take you to the respective site page, or contact DMF

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