Over the last 3 months, DMF has said farewell to two of its long term staff members.

Clive Smart has been the Senior Product Engineer for 19 years, and over this time brought expertise and great diagnostic ability to all our products. Many of the current designs and features are a result of Clive’s input, and he was always a friendly and able voice on the other end of the phone, helping our agents with servicing difficulties. Clive and his wife Felicity, have retired to the south coast of NSW.

Our second farewell in June was to our Operations Manager, Allan McDiarmed. Like Clive, Allan has been with DMF for nearly 20 years, and looked after the entire manufacturing operations for the Company. He introduced many new initiatives to increase the efficiency of manufacture and production, and brought to the Company, many skills from previous jobs. He and his wife Vicky have retired to the far north coast NSW.

Both roles have been filled with new team members. Peter Line has taken on Senior Product Engineer, and Ian Anderson, with over 25 years with DMF, has been promoted to Operations Manager. Although always difficult to say goodbye to important and valued staff, we are excited with this new chapter, and the advancements in product design and quality that will continue.